March Water Heater Installation Special for Rochester, NY

Is Your Water Heater Leaking or Won’t Stay Lit? Contact Leone Plumbing and Heating Today for Fast Service

Water-Heater-Rochester-NYRochester, NY water heater repair and water heater installation is not something that should be put off. When the time is ready, call Leone Plumbing and Heating for service can save you time and money on water heater services. Our honest, up front pricing and expert technicians have a vast knowledge of water heaters and complete installation and maintenance. If it is time for you to get a new tankless water heater in Rochester, NY contact the repair specialists now. Trained to repair and install proper water heaters ranging from tankless to complete commercial setup. As a locally owned Rochester, NY plumbing technician company, Leone Plumbing and Heating knows what it takes to get the job done right, on time and on budget. For fast service call (585) 458-5800 and mention this website. You may also fill out the form to the right.
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The 10 Most Common Household Repairs in Rochester NY

The 10 Most Common Household Repairs in Rochester NY

“Old reliable” churns away in your basement or utility room day after day, month after month, year after year like a farm mule in days of yore. Except this one doesn’t eat as much – nor do you have those ugly, malodorous piles laying all around the place! Except every once in awhile, like a cantankerous old mule, the modern water heater doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do. That’s when you call a plumbing contractor saying “no hot water.” This is the top reason why people call a plumbing or heating contractor, according to a survey taken a few years ago by the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Information Bureau (PHCIB) in Chicago. A related problem, a leaking water heater, came in at number 5 out of the top 10. Looking over the list, I can’t help but shake my head at all the waste of time and money these emergency service calls represent. Most people don’t pay much attention to their household “mule team” – the mechanical systems that provide so much comfort and convenience in our modern lives. We take for granted our water heaters, toilets, faucets, furnaces and air conditioners, until they stop working. Then comes the panicked call to the service company, and a repair job that always ends up costing more than we expect. Regular care and maintenance can forestall most of these breakdowns at a fraction of the cost of repairs. Have your plumbing, heating and air conditioning inspected, cleaned and checked at least once a year. Progressive service companies offer service agreements in which they automatically come out to take care of these things for a modest annual fee. Homeowners also should consider replacing ancient water heaters, toilets, furnaces, boilers and other appliances with new high-efficiency or water-saving models. Most of us are in the habit of squeezing out every last day of service out of such equipment. Yet any unit more than 12-15 years old probably can pay for itself within a few years through reduced energy or water usage. Here are the rest of the top 10 household repairs identified by the PHCIB: #2 – Clogged drains. Many of these calls could be avoided by taking greater care in what you put down drains – especially the kitchen sink drain, the most used and most clogged drain in the house. I also recommend regular treatment with Bio-Clean or Super Citrus, biological drain cleaners sold only through plumbing contractors. #3 – Dripping faucets. This is an annoyance that most homeowners have to deal with from time to time as the washers in the faucets wear out with use. You can extend the life of your faucet washers by not turning them off with too much force. You may also consider replacing your older faucets with those that feature washer-less valve cartridges instead of rubber washers. Since the valve mechanism is contained in one cartridge, these faucets are easier to repair and replace. In addition, cartridges are generally more durable and do not leak because they do not deteriorate with friction or age as washers do. #4 – Leaking pipes. In extreme cases, these can cause expensive damage to floors and belongings. To stop a small leak from turning into a big one, take a look at your pipes periodically to check for rust or white lime deposits that may indicate a leak is starting. #5 – Leaking water heaters. Most often when you have a leaker, it’s time to get rid of the water heater. Usually leaks indicate rusting through at the bottom of the storage tank, for which there is no good repair. By the time this happens, the Rochester NY water heater is usually so old you’d benefit from replacing it with a more energy-efficient model anyway. #6 – No heat. When your furnace stops operating, it can make for a long, cold winter night. An ounce of prevention here is worth of ton of cure. It’s important to make sure your heating system is functioning properly before the first cold snap hits. Have a competent contractor do a thorough examination and cleaning in late summer or early fall every year. #7-8 – Running & leaking toilets. This is not only an annoyance, but a waste of water and money. Leaky toilets can cost you upwards of $100 a year on your water bills. If you hear a low humming noise, or if the toilet continues to run into the bowl after the toilet is flushed, it indicates that some part of the mechanism is out of order. Sometimes a minor juggling of the ball-cock or flush valve mechanism solves the problem without cost. Otherwise you may need to replace the entire mechanism. #9 – New faucet installation. Many homeowners replace faucets not only when they break down, but for decorative reasons as well. This is the ninth most common reason for a service call, according to the PHCIB. A few people buy a faucet from a home center and then call a plumbing firm to do the installation. This is okay, but be forewarned that in doing so, the Rochester, NY plumbing company will only warranty its workmanship, not the faucet itself. #10 – Malfunctioning food waste disposer. This can be a messy headache for homeowners. Here are several tips to keep your unit in good working order. First, always run cold water when grinding to move the waste all the way down the drain lines. Fats and grease congeal and harden in cold water and can be flushed through the system. Hot water should not be used because it can dissolve fats and grease, which may then accumulate in the drain line. Almost all bio-degradable food waste can be fed into disposers. However, they should not be used to grind clam or oyster shells, corn husks or other material with high fiber content. Under no circumstances should you put glass, plastic or metal non-food materials through a disposer. This includes bottle caps, tin covers or aluminum foil, which are some of the items service technicians commonly find in clogged or broken disposers. Maintenance is easy. Grinding small bones and eggshells actually helps clean the disposer by scraping away stubborn deposits or citric acid and pulp. Grinding a little ice is another way to clean deposits and get rid of odors. For the most part, though, disposers are self-cleaning.
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7 Household Tips from Leone Plumbing & Heating in Rochester NY

plumbers Rochester NY

7 Household Tips from Leone Plumbing and Heating in Rochester NY

Main water shut-off valve: Everyone in the house should know where this is in case of an emergency. The valve should operate smoothly and should shut-off water completely. Many older valves fail to operate due to internal deterioration from lime and calcium buildup. Check the water meter periodically: The meter is usually located under a concrete lid out by the sidewalk. With no water running in the house, the dials on the meter should remain stationary. Any movement indicates a leak of some type which, at best, wastes water and costs money, and may be causing damage to your home and foundation. A warm spot on the floor is also an indication of an underground leak. Angle-stops: These are the small shut-off valves at each toilet, and under each sink. Examine these for signs of corrosion, as they hold back water pressure. Corroded valves and connectors often become the source of leaks, ruptures, and resultant flooding. Guest bathrooms: Turn on all faucets and tub/shower valves at least once weekly. Faucets in guest baths commonly seize up from mineral deposits when not used for a period of time. Also, running water into each fixture keeps the traps full, thereby preventing sewer gases from entering your home. Washing machine hoses: Check hoses and connections for corrosion and signs of “blow-out”, which is a bubble caused by reinforcement failure. We recommend stainless steel re-enforced hoses which are rated to withstand much higher water pressure. Ruptured washer hoses are a primary cause of flooding in residential homes. When buying faucets and fixtures: Certain brands withstand the water related issues common to Rochester better than others. Availability of repair parts is also an important consideration. Please feel free to call us if you have questions, or would like our recommendations. Water Pressure: Every good doctor checks your blood pressure, and every good plumber checks your water pressure. Many homeowners describe high pressure as good pressure. Much like your blood-pressure, high water pressure can eventually cause great damage. Symptoms of high pressure may be running toilets, noisy or banging pipes, and water that comes out of the faucet strong at first, then slows down. A failed pressure regulator is usually the culprit and can be replaced at a reasonable cost. Leone Plumbing and heating provides bathroom remodeling services, plumbing and emergency services, and heating and cooling to the Rochester, NY area.  Contact us today for assistance.
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Tankless Water Heater vs. Tank Water Heater in Rochester, NY

Tankless Water Heater vs. Tank Water Heater in Rochester, NY

A debate that has been going around the Rochester area for the last couple of years has been tankless vs tank water heaters. Several years ago tankless water heaters were very popular here in Rochester and the buzz has faded recently. Here are the pros and cons to both types of water heaters. Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons for  Pros: The best thing about a tankless water heater is that you will never run out of hot water, assuming you don’t have a mechanical failure. Another pro is that you do not have to wait to take a shower after someone else takes a shower like you do with a tank water heater. If you have a big family you know what I am talking about. Cons: If you are trying to convert from a tank water heater to a tankless it can be challenging. Most of the time the gas that is supplied for a tank water heater is not enough to support a tankless. Rochester’s water is very hard on the heat exchanger of a tankless water heater and accessories have to be added in order to meet manufactures warranty, which means more money. Another con that can come with a tankless water heater is having to rework venting if the conversion is made to tankless. Most of the cons that come from a tankless water heater happen when trying to convert from a tank to a tankless. Usually it is better to install a tankless when building a new home or doing a remodel. Tank Water Heater Pros: One thing about tank water heaters that compares to a tankless water heater is that they use very little gas and electricity. Even though tankless water heater manufacturers boast about the low gas usage, remember that most gas companies still charge you a minimum amount every month just to have gas service. In my opinion the two even out because a tank only uses about the minimum amount of gas usage every month and the gas that it takes to run a tankless, after it has not been used, cost about the same in the end. Another pro is replacing and installing a tank water heater can be very cost effective versus a new tankless water heater. The average amount it takes to install a new tankless water heater is about $2000 to $5000 depending on the application. A tank water heater will average out at about $800 depending on the size. Cons: Hot water will run out and like I said earlier in this article you will have to wait for the tank to fill and heat back up. This can take up to 45 minutes to get the temperature back to set point. Like a tankless water heater, Rochester’s hard water is hard on a tank. I highly recommend buying extended warranties, this can come in handy if your water heater fails. I hope that these pros and cons have shed some light on tankless and tank water heaters. Either way I would only recommend installing a tankless water heater into a new home or bathroom remodel condition. What are your pros and cons of a tankless or tank water heater?
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Rochester NY Tankless Water Heaters

Rochester NY Tankless Water Heaters

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding tank less water heaters the last 5 years, some people like them and some don’t. I am here to give you the pros and cons about owning a tank less water heater. I personally own a tank less water heater and have had one for the last 3 years. It is very similar to a gas heater to heat your home with. It has a heat exchanger on the inside and only runs when you need it. One of the main reasons I got a tank less water heater is so I would not have to worry about running out of hot water! In the master bathroom, the shower has two shower heads, one for me and one for my wife. In the winter I like to run both showers at the same time and I like to take a longer shower. I have yet to run out of hot water and I love it! The last reason I like a tank less water heater is that it can be maintained. I can clean the heat exchanger with vinegar every 6 months to combat Rochester’s hard water. With a tank water heater you cannot do this.

Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters Rochester NY

There are cons to having a tank less water heater and the main issue is Rochester’s hard water. If the heater is not serviced after 6 months I start to notice a difference in the volume of water because of the sediment. All of the aerators for the faucets have to be flushed out and the heater cleaned with vinegar. After this has been done, the volume of water increases back to normal but having to maintain it every 6 months gets old. Overall, I like my water heater but it needs a lot of attention. If you own a tank less water heater or have a comment, please send me your thoughts. I would love to hear someone else’s point of view.
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How to Clear a Clogged Drain

Clogged Drain Rochester NY: How to Clear a Clogged Drain

If you have a slow draining or backed up sink, tub or toilet, chances are you have a clogged drain. There are many ways you can try to clear a blockage yourself, using either home remedies or store bought remedies. If that does not work you can always contact your local plumber to come over and take care of the problem. Some plumbing companies even have 24 hour emergency service and can come over and take care of your plumbing issues any time of day or night. There are many different causes of a clogged drain, and the causes can vary greatly depending on what is clogged. If it is a kitchen sink it could be that food and debris from dirty dishes has gone down the drain and created the clog. Some people also have a tendency to pour cooking grease down the drain of the kitchen sink. This cooking grease can cool while it is in the pipes and congeal, causing a clog and backing up your sink. Sometimes it is the bathtub drain that is clogged. Generally when a bathtub drain is clogged it is due to hair that has washed down the drain and collected, causing a thick hair clog that water has trouble draining through. This type of clog can be especially hard to clear. If your toilet is clogged it can be a number of things. Perhaps too much toilet paper was flushed at once, which clogged the drain. Sometimes if there are small children in the house, one of them may have tried to flush something that did not belong in the toilet, such as toys or small stuffed animals. Oops! To clear a clogged drain, first pull out the drain stopper, if there is one, and clear away any stuck on residue. Run hot water and see if that has fixed the problem. If that has not worked, put a pot of water on the stove and set it to boil. Take 1 cup of baking soda and pour it into the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Wait about 15 minutes for the baking soda and vinegar solution to start dissolving the clog, and then slowly pour the boiling water down the drain. You can follow this procedure once a month to prevent the drain from becoming clogged again. If that did not work you can try to plunge the drain to dislodge the clog. Still not going down? Try a store-bought drain cleaner. Make sure you wear gloves and safety goggles to ensure that you do not hurt yourself, these cleaners are made with extremely harsh chemicals. Also, follow the instructions on the container to the letter. If you still have a clog after trying all of the above, it is time to call in the professionals. Plumbers have access to specialty tools to snake out the drains as well as access to stronger drain cleaning chemicals. You can find many reputable plumbers online or in the yellow pages to come out and clear your clogged drain.
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