Prevention and Removal of Limescales In The Plumbing System

Limescales Prevention and Removal Service By Leone Plumbing and Heating At some point, a home may encounter issues with limescale building up on a plumbing system. It happens over time which affects the performance of your plumbing system. Today, we will talk about the causes of limescale buildup and how we can treat and prevent it from accumulating on pipes.

What Causes Limescale to Buildup On Pipes?

Most homes that are affected by mineral or limescale build-up are those that are located in areas that use hard water supply. Hard water is known to have a high concentration of dissolved calcium and magnesium. Over time, these minerals transform into a hard crust inside the pipes. These mineral deposits are not only building up inside the plumbing system but they can also accumulate inside your water-using appliances. If not treated, you may encounter plumbing issues such as:
  • Low Water Pressure
  • Clogged Pipes
  • Corroded Pipes

How Do We Prevent Limescale From Building Up On The Plumbing System?

Before we talk about the different solutions to remove the lime buildup, you should know the ways you can prevent it from accumulating.

Installing An Inline Filter

Installing an inline filter on the incoming water line is one way to prevent minerals from building up on pipes. These filters remove minerals and other substances from the water preventing them from accumulating in the pipes.

Use Water Softeners

Using water softeners is a known effective way of preventing the build-up of lime in the plumbing system. Through a process called ion exchange, it works by exchanging minerals like calcium and magnesium for sodium or potassium. This process removes the amount of minerals (e.g. calcium and magnesium) in the water that may build up in the plumbing system.

Use Deionized or Distilled Water

Using deionized or distilled water won’t contribute to lime buildup since they are free of minerals.

Installing Stainless Steel Pipes

Installing or upgrading to stainless steel pipes is also recommended to avoid issues with lime buildup. Stainless steel pipes are known to be resistant to corrosion and rusting (which are often the result of limescale buildup).

Removing Limescale Buildup From The Plumbing System Leone Plumbing and Heating Tips on Limescales Removal

Home remedies such as pouring vinegar on the drain and leaving it overnight can help dissolve stubborn limescale. Vinegar is an effective dissolving agent due to its acidic properties. After leaving your drain with vinegar overnight, just flush it with hot water. Another home remedy you can use is baking soda. You can use baking soda as an abrasive agent to scrub minerals that are building up on pipe surfaces. Simply mix a cup of baking soda with two cups of warm water (consistency should be similar to a paste). You can also regularly pour hot water on pipes to flush the minerals before they accumulate and clog the pipes over time.

Having Problems Dealing With Stubborn Lime Buildup?

Minerals building up on your plumbing system can be a very difficult problem to deal with. If home remedies and preventive measures don’t resolve the issue, the best option is to contact a professional to provide a better solution! So contact us today to schedule an appointment. We are here to help!