Saving Your Home from Corroded Pipes

Leone Plumbing corroded pipes repair serviceAre you aware that corroded pipes could be silently damaging your home? If left unchecked, corroded pipes can lead to costly repairs, cause water leaks, and even create potential health hazards. That’s why early detection and proper maintenance of your plumbing system are crucial. In this article, we will share expert tips on how you can save your home from the perils of corroded pipes.

The Importance Of Early Detection And Proper Maintenance For Home Pipes

Maintaining the integrity of your home’s plumbing system is essential to protect your investment and ensure the comfort and safety of your family. Corroded pipes can wreak havoc on your property, leading to a host of issues that can be both financially and emotionally draining. By taking proactive measures and staying vigilant, you can save your home from the damaging effects of corroded pipes. Corrosion occurs when metal pipes interact with various factors such as water, chemicals, and even the soil surrounding them. Over time, this interaction leads to a breakdown of the pipe’s structure, causing leaks, reduced water pressure, and potential health risks due to contaminated water. Early detection is key to minimizing the extent of damage and preventing further complications.

Proper maintenance is equally important in ensuring the longevity of your plumbing system. Regular inspections, routine maintenance, and prompt repairs are essential to prevent corrosion from taking hold and causing significant damage. By investing time and effort in early detection and proper maintenance, you can save yourself from the headaches and financial burden associated with corroded pipes.

Common Causes Of Pipe Corrosion

Understanding the root causes of pipe corrosion is essential in preventing and managing this destructive issue. Various factors contribute to the corrosion of pipes, including:

Age of Your Home
Older homes often have plumbing systems that are more susceptible to corrosion due to the materials used at the time of construction. Galvanized steel pipes, commonly found in older properties, tend to corrode more rapidly than newer materials such as copper or PEX.
Water Quality
The quality of the water flowing through your pipes can significantly impact their lifespan. High levels of acidity, alkalinity, or mineral content can accelerate the corrosion process. Additionally, water with high chloride or sulfate levels can be particularly corrosive to certain metals.
Chemicals and Environmental Factors

Exposure to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning agents or fertilizers, can corrode pipes over time. Environmental factors, such as high humidity or soil acidity, can also contribute to accelerated corrosion rates.

Signs of Corroded Pipes

Now that you’re aware of the causes, let’s explore the telltale signs that indicate your pipes may be corroded. Early detection of corroded pipes is crucial in preventing further damage and costly repairs. By being aware of the following signs, you can proactively address any issues before they escalate:

Discolored Water

If you notice a change in the color of your tap water, such as brown or yellowish tones, it could be an indication of corroded pipes. The presence of rust or other contaminants in the water is a clear sign that your pipes are deteriorating.

Low Water Pressure

Reduced water pressure can be a result of corroded pipes. As the pipes degrade, they become narrower, restricting the flow of water. If you’re experiencing consistently low water pressure throughout your home, it’s worth investigating the condition of your pipes.

Frequent Leaks

Corroded pipes are more prone to developing leaks. If you notice recurring leaks in your plumbing system, it’s a strong indication that the pipes are deteriorating and in need of attention. Ignoring these leaks can lead to extensive water damage and mold growth.

Preventive Maintenance Tips For Pipe Longevity

Proactive maintenance is key to preventing pipe corrosion and extending the lifespan of your plumbing system. Here are essential tips for maintaining healthy pipes:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Flush your pipes periodically by running hot water through them to remove any built-up sediment or debris. This simple maintenance practice helps prevent corrosion-causing particles from accumulating and damaging your pipes.
  2. Water Softening: If your water supply has a high mineral content, consider installing a water softener. Water softeners remove excess minerals that can contribute to pipe corrosion, thereby protecting your plumbing system.
  3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Be mindful of the cleaning agents and chemicals you use in your home. Harsh chemicals can corrode pipes over time. Opt for environmentally friendly alternatives and avoid pouring corrosive substances down drains or toilets.

Implementing these preventative measures can significantly reduce the risk of pipe corrosion. However, in cases where corrosion has already taken hold, repair or replacement may be necessary.

Replacing Corroded Pipes

In severe cases of corrosion, pipe replacement may be the most suitable solution. This involves removing the corroded pipes and installing new ones made from materials resistant to corrosion. When it comes to pipe replacement, selecting the right materials is crucial for long-term durability and corrosion resistance. Here are two widely used options:

  1. Copper Pipes: Copper pipes have long been a popular choice due to their excellent corrosion resistance and durability. They are suitable for both hot and cold water supply lines and have a proven track record of reliability.
  2. PEX Pipes:  Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes are gaining popularity for their flexibility, ease of installation, and resistance to corrosion. PEX pipes are highly durable and suitable for both residential and commercial applications.

Hiring A Professional Plumber For Pipe Maintenance And Repairs

While DIY methods and proactive maintenance play a crucial role in preventing pipe corrosion, there are situations where professional expertise is necessary. Hiring a professional plumber offers several benefits:

  1. Expert Knowledge: Professional plumbers possess specialized knowledge and experience in identifying, addressing, and preventing pipe corrosion. Their expertise ensures accurate assessments and effective solutions for your plumbing system.
  2. Time and Cost Savings: Engaging a professional plumber saves you time and money in the long run. Their efficient repairs and proactive maintenance help prevent extensive damage and costly repairs down the line.
  3. Peace of Mind: By entrusting your plumbing system to a professional, you can have peace of mind knowing that your pipes are in capable hands. Professional plumbers adhere to industry standards and deliver quality workmanship.
How Leone plumbing deal with corroded pipes issue As Rochester, New York’s best plumbers, it is our goal to help you protect your home and your business from the perils of corroded pipes. We provide the right solution for your plumbing pipe maintenance and repair concerns. Don’t wait for problems to arise – start protecting your home today! Contact us and schedule an appointment.  
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How Hydro Jetter Plumbing Technology is Revolutionizing the Industry

Leone Plumbing hydro jetter plumbing servicesIn the ever-evolving world of plumbing, advancements in technology continue to revolutionize the industry and provide more efficient and effective solutions for both plumbers and homeowners alike. One such breakthrough is the emergence of hydro jetter plumbing technology, a powerful tool that is changing the way plumbing professionals tackle tough clogs and blockages.

How Do Hydro Jetter Plumbing Works?

Hydro jetters utilize high-pressure water streams to dislodge and remove stubborn debris, grease, and sediment from pipes, ensuring optimal flow and preventing future plumbing issues. With their ability to clean pipes thoroughly and efficiently, hydro jetters are quickly becoming a game-changer for plumbers, eliminating the need for traditional methods that may be less effective and time-consuming. Not only does hydro jetter technology offer better results, but it also minimizes the need for harsh chemicals, making it an environmentally friendly choice. As a result, homeowners can enjoy clean, clear pipes without worrying about the negative effects of chemical cleaners on their plumbing systems or the environment.

The Benefits Of Hydro Jetter Technology In Plumbing

Hydro jetter technology has brought about numerous benefits to the plumbing industry. One of the key advantages is its ability to thoroughly clean pipes, ensuring optimal flow and preventing future plumbing issues. Traditional methods, such as snaking or using chemical cleaners, may only provide temporary relief from clogs and blockages. However, hydro jetters, with their high-pressure water streams, can dislodge and remove even the toughest debris, grease, and sediment that accumulate in pipes over time.

Another significant benefit of hydro jetter technology is its environmental friendliness. Unlike chemical cleaners that can be harmful to both the plumbing system and the environment, hydro jetters rely solely on the power of water. This not only eliminates the need for harsh chemicals but also reduces the risk of chemical residue remaining in the pipes. Homeowners can enjoy clean, clear pipes without worrying about the negative effects on their plumbing system or the environment.

The Role Of Hydro Jetter Plumbing Technology In Preventing And Resolving Plumbing Issues

Hydro jetter technology plays a crucial role in both preventing and resolving plumbing issues. Regular maintenance using hydro jetters can prevent the buildup of debris, grease, and sediment in pipes, reducing the likelihood of clogs and blockages in the future. By thoroughly cleaning the inside of pipes, hydro jetters ensure optimal flow and prevent the accumulation of materials that can hinder the plumbing system’s performance. In resolving plumbing issues, hydro jetters offer a more effective solution compared to traditional methods. Whether it’s a stubborn clog or a blockage caused by grease or sediment, hydro jetter technology can dislodge and remove the obstruction, restoring the flow of water in the pipes. Furthermore, hydro jetters can clean the entire length of the pipe, eliminating any residue or debris that may contribute to recurring issues.

Hydro Jetter Technology Improves The Efficiency And Cost-Effectiveness of Plumbing Services

Hydro jetter technology has significantly improved the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of plumbing services. In the past, clearing stubborn clogs or blockages often required multiple attempts using traditional methods, resulting in increased labor costs and prolonged inconvenience for homeowners. However, with hydro jetter technology, plumbers can quickly and effectively remove obstructions, reducing the time required for each job.

The improved efficiency provided by hydro jetters allows plumbers to serve more clients in a shorter amount of time, increasing their productivity and revenue. Additionally, hydro jetters offer a more long-lasting solution compared to traditional methods, reducing the likelihood of recurring plumbing issues and the need for frequent call-backs. This saves both plumbers and homeowners from the hassle and additional expenses associated with repeated plumbing problems.

The Future Of Hydro Jetter Technology In Plumbing

As technology continues to advance, the future of hydro jetter technology in the plumbing industry looks promising. Manufacturers are constantly improving the design and functionality of hydro jetters, making them more efficient, durable, and user-friendly. This opens up opportunities for plumbing professionals to provide even better services to their clients.

The integration of smart technology into hydro jetter equipment is also a possibility in the future. This may include features such as remote operation, real-time monitoring of water pressure and flow, and automated nozzle selection based on the specific requirements of each job. Such advancements would further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of hydro jetting, allowing plumbers to deliver exceptional results with ease.

Hydro jetter technology is revolutionizing the plumbing industry by providing more efficient and effective solutions for plumbing challenges. Its ability to thoroughly clean pipes, minimize the need for harsh chemicals, and prevent recurring issues makes it a game-changer for both plumbers and homeowners. The future of hydro jetter technology looks bright, with advancements on the horizon that will further improve its efficiency and eco-friendliness. Plumbing professionals who embrace this transformative technology are well-positioned to thrive in an ever-evolving industry.

Experience The Efficiency And Cost-Effectiveness of Hydro Jetter Technology!

Hydro jetters utilize high-pressure water streams to dislodge and remove stubborn debris, grease, and sediment from pipes, ensuring optimal flow and preventing future plumbing issues. Unlike traditional methods such as snaking or using chemical cleaners, hydro jetting provides a more thorough and long-lasting solution. Whether it’s a simple clog or a more complex blockage, hydro jetters can handle a wide range of plumbing challenges. From residential homes to commercial buildings, this technology can effectively tackle the toughest problems, saving time and money! So if you are looking for expert plumbers who can perform hydro jetting, contact us anytime to book an appointment.      
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How to Properly Install PEX Pipe For A Leak-Free Home

Installing PEX pipe professionally done by Leone Plumbing

Installing the right plumbing system is essential for a leak-free and hassle-free home. And when it comes to choosing the best piping material, PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) pipes are gaining popularity for all the right reasons. With their excellent flexibility, durability, and resistance to freezing, PEX pipes have become a preferred choice for homeowners and contractors alike. But proper installation is key to ensuring their leak-free performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing PEX pipes, from preparing the materials to connecting the fittings. We will also discuss the importance of using the right tools and techniques to achieve secure and reliable connections.

Advantages Of Using PEX Pipe For Plumbing

Another advantage of PEX pipe is its durability. Unlike copper, PEX pipe does not corrode or develop pinhole leaks over time. It is also resistant to scale build-up, ensuring consistent water flow and reducing the need for maintenance. PEX pipe is also quieter compared to metal pipes, as it absorbs water hammer and minimizes noise transmission. Moreover, PEX pipe is less expensive than copper, making it a cost-effective choice for plumbing projects.

Types Of PEX Pipe

Before you begin your PEX pipe installation, it is important to understand the different types and sizes of PEX pipe available. PEX pipe comes in three main types: PEX-A, PEX-B, and PEX-C. Each type has its unique characteristics and uses.

  • PEX-A is the most flexible type of PEX pipe and can withstand repeated bending without losing its shape. This makes it ideal for installations that require many bends and curves.
  • PEX-B is slightly less flexible than PEX-A but still offers excellent durability and reliability.
  • PEX-C is the least flexible type, but it is also the most affordable option.

PEX Pipe Sizes

In terms of sizes, PEX pipe is available in various diameters, commonly ranging from 3/8 inch to 1 inch. The size you choose will depend on the water flow requirements of your plumbing system. It is important to select the appropriate size to ensure proper water pressure and flow.

When purchasing PEX pipe, be sure to check for industry certifications, such as the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) certification, to ensure that the pipe meets quality standards and is suitable for potable water applications.

Step-By-Step Guide To Installing PEX Pipe

Before you begin installing PEX pipes, there are a few important steps you need to take to ensure a smooth and efficient installation process. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Plan your plumbing system: Determine the layout of your plumbing system, including the location of fixtures, supply lines, and drains. This will help you calculate the amount of PEX pipe and fittings you will need for the project.

2. Shut off the water supply: Before you start any plumbing work, make sure to shut off the main water supply to your home. This will prevent any accidents or water damage during the installation process.

3. Remove old pipes if necessary: If you are replacing an existing plumbing system, you will need to remove the old pipes before installing the PEX pipe. Follow proper procedures for removing old pipes, such as draining the water and using appropriate tools.

4. Prepare the work area: Clear the work area of any obstacles and ensure you have enough space to maneuver and work comfortably. Lay down protective sheets or tarps to protect the flooring or surfaces from any potential damage.

By properly preparing for the PEX pipe installation, you can minimize any potential issues and ensure a successful and efficient installation process.

Tips For Avoiding Leaks During PEX Pipe Installation Tools for Installing PEX Pipe

Now that you have prepared for the PEX pipe installation, it’s time to dive into the step-by-step process. Follow these instructions to properly install PEX pipe for a leak-free plumbing system:

1. Measure and cut the PEX pipe: Measure the length of the pipe needed for each section of the plumbing system. Use a PEX cutting tool to make clean and straight cuts. Be sure to deburr the cut ends to remove any rough edges.

2. Insert the fittings: Slide a PEX sleeve onto the end of the PEX pipe. Insert the PEX fitting into the end of the pipe until it reaches the shoulder of the fitting. Ensure that the fitting is fully inserted and seated properly.

3. Crimp the connection: Use a PEX crimping tool to crimp the PEX ring around the fitting. Position the crimping tool over the crimp ring and squeeze the handles firmly until the tool is released. Repeat the crimping process on the other end of the fitting to create a secure connection.

4. Secure the PEX pipe: Use pipe hangers to secure the PEX pipe to the framing or other structural elements. Make sure to leave enough room for the pipe to expand and contract with temperature changes.

5. Connect the PEX pipe to fixtures and appliances: Use PEX fittings to connect the PEX pipe to fixtures, such as faucets and toilets, as well as appliances, such as water heaters and washing machines. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for each specific connection.

6. Install the PEX manifold: If you are using a PEX manifold, install it in a central location and connect the PEX pipes to the manifold using appropriate fittings. The manifold will allow you to control the flow of water to different areas of the plumbing system.

7. Insulate the PEX pipes: Wrap pipe insulation around the PEX pipes to prevent freezing and reduce heat loss. Pay special attention to pipes located in unheated areas or near exterior walls.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can ensure a proper and secure installation of PEX pipe for a leak-free plumbing system.

Maintaining And Troubleshooting PEX Pipe Systems

Once you have completed the installation of the PEX pipe, it is important to test and inspect the connections to ensure their integrity. Follow these steps to test and inspect the PEX pipe connections:

1. Close all fixtures and appliances: Make sure all faucets, toilets, and other fixtures are turned off. This will isolate the PEX pipe system and allow you to test the connections effectively.

2. Pressurize the system: Use a pressure gauge and a suitable pump to pressurize the PEX pipe system. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific pressure requirements of your system.

3. Inspect for leaks: Once the system is pressurized, visually inspect all the connections for any signs of leaks. Check the fittings, crimps, and sleeves for any water seepage or drips. If you notice any leaks, mark the location for repair.

4. Repair any leaks: If you find any leaks during the inspection, you will need to repair them immediately. Cut out the faulty section of the PEX pipe and replace it with a new one. Follow the proper procedures for cutting and connecting the new pipe.

5. Re-test the system: After repairing any leaks, re-pressurize the system and re-inspect all the connections. Make sure there are no new leaks and that all the connections are secure and leak-free.

By testing and inspecting the PEX pipe connections, you can identify and address any leaks before they cause significant damage to your plumbing system or property.

Installing PEX Pipe With A Professional

In the event of any problems or issues with installing your PEX pipe system, it is recommended to consult a professional plumber or the manufacturer for troubleshooting and repair guidance. As a team of experienced professional plumbers in the Rochester New York area, we are committed to providing you with quality PEX pipe installation. For your PEX pipe installation needs, contact us, and we are here to help!

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How To Unfreeze Frozen Pipes Safely And Efficiently

Leone Plumbing and Heating How To Unfreeze Frozen Pipes Safely And Efficiently One of the problems that you may encounter during the winter season is frozen water pipes. If the weather is cold, freezing water expands which adds pressure to the plumbing pipes. This unyielding pressure may cause the pipes to crack, eventually leaking the water inside your home. Learning how to unfreeze frozen pipes safely and efficiently can save you from trouble and untimely repairs due to water damage.

Preventing Your Pipes From Freezing

Before discussing how to unfreeze frozen pipes, we should also remember that prevention is still the best remedy. Before the winter season comes, make sure that you take the following initiatives to protect your pipes from getting frozen.
Insulate the pipes.
You can insulate the pipes with pipe wrap or pipe insulation. The wrap comes in rolls and can be spun around the pipe. Pipe insulation is a foam tube that can be put around pipes. Pipe insulation comes in different lengths and snaps over the pipe. Another product available is electric heat tape. Heat tape is a plug-in wire system that can be run along copper pipes to keep it from freezing. This can be added under pipe insulation and will only turn on when the temperature reaches a certain point.
Adjust the thermostat accordingly.
Always maintain your thermostat set at the same temperature from morning to evening. This can also reduce the tension in the furnace during extreme cold weather. If you plan to leave the house for a few days, you can lower your home’s thermostat but don’t set it below 59 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Allow a faucet to drip overnight or when you are away.
Allowing water to run a small but steady drip can prevent ice from forming inside those pipes when temperatures are freezing. Ice cannot form when water is moving.
Open cabinet doors.
If your kitchen and bathroom pipes are near the exterior walls, we recommend that you leave the cabinet doors open. This will allow warm air to circulate and may help prevent burst pipes.
Seal cold air leaks.
Cold air can enter your home through holes where electrical wiring, pipes, duct work, or dryer vents are installed. Seal those gaps and locate other areas where cold air can enter.

How To Unfreeze Frozen Pipes?

Despite the effort of protecting your pipes from getting frozen, it is still possible that you will end up with frozen pipes. So how can you unfreeze frozen pipes safely and efficiently? Here are some of the tips we can share. unfreeze frozen pipes with a thawing machine, hair dryer, and fan heater
Get a thawing machine.
If you live in places that often get freezing temperatures, it is a wise decision to invest in getting a thawing machine. This machine can help to get water flowing and reduce the risk of having pipes burst.
Use a hair dryer as a source of heat.
If you use a hair dryer to thaw a frozen pipe, do this with caution. This procedure works best on metal pipes. If your pipes are plastic, be careful since hair dryers can melt plastic pipes. PVC pipes can be damaged at temperatures as low as 140 °F (60 °C). Do not use other appliances stronger than a hair dryer.
Blow a fan heater into outdoor vents.
Blowing warm air into an external vent can quickly thaw any pipes that are nearby. Pipes often run alongside ductwork, so enforcing warm air into the ducts is a good idea.

When To Ask For Help From A Plumber?

Learning how to unfreeze frozen pipes during winter seasons can help you save time and money from untimely repairs. But expect the unexpected! If all efforts are in vain despite all the know-how to unfreeze frozen pipes, then it’s time for a professional plumber to handle the issue. Sometimes, it is easy to thaw frozen pipes by yourself. But if things are getting out of hand, it is better to contact Rochester New York’s best plumbers! Contact us anytime and we are here to take care of your frozen pipes concern.  
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The Importance of Plumbing Inspection And When Is It Necessary

Plumbing Inspection Service by Leone Plumbing and HeatingMaintaining a home is important for the safety and comfort of your family. As a good maintenance practice, it is a good idea to have your home inspected once in a while to avoid any plumbing issues. It is also recommended for older homes which are vulnerable to deterioration. However, maintaining a home can be challenging, especially in those hard-to-reach and concealed areas such as your plumbing system. In this blog, we will get to know more about plumbing inspection and what it entails.

What Is A Plumbing Inspection?

A plumbing inspection is a full and in-depth look at your plumbing system. The purpose of conducting an inspection is always to prevent or detect plumbing issues that need to be fixed. When you hire a professional plumber, he will conduct a thorough inspection of your indoor and outdoor pipes. For hard-to-reach and concealed areas in your plumbing system, a professional plumber may use an inspection camera to inspect any damages that need to be fixed on the lines.

When Does a Plumbing Inspection Become Necessary?

A thorough plumbing inspection is necessary because of the following reasons.
To Protect Your Home From Deteriorating
Do not underestimate small leaks or clogs on your drain. Disregarding these plumbing issues may lead to extensive damage to your home. Regardless if it’s a small water leakage or a simple clog that you can fix by using a toilet plunger, you must take it seriously if it keeps recurring. This can be a sign that something terrible is going on in your home’s plumbing system.
To Avoid Untimely And Costly Plumbing Repairs
Regular plumbing inspections can prevent any small issues from escalating into a worse plumbing concern. As many say, “Prevention is better than cure”, it is also applicable when you are maintaining your home. Do not let simple plumbing issues become big. Otherwise, the untimely repair is much more costly than a plumbing inspection. Plumbing Inspection done by Leone Plumbing
Before Buying A Home
Buying a home is quite an investment. You have to make sure that you catch potential plumbing issues early before sealing the deal! This is recommended if you are buying an old home since it is much more prone to damage.  
If You Are Selling Your Home
A plumbing inspection is also necessary when you sell your home. Showing documents of the inspection report to the potential buyer is a good selling point! It will prove to the buyers that the house you are selling is of good value.  

Trust Only A Professional To Inspect Your Plumbing System

You can ensure an accurate result and quality plumbing inspection through a licensed plumber. If you are looking for the best plumbing service in the Rochester, New York area, then contact us! Our team of professional licensed plumbers is here at your service!
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Sewage Backup: What Causes It To Happen And How To Fix It?

Sewage Backup Service Solution By Leone Plumbing and Heating

One of the major plumbing issues that cause extensive damage to your home is sewage backup. This happens when wastewater backs up through your drains, sinks, and toilets. Plumbing issues like sewage backup not only wreak havoc on your home but it can also pose a health risk to your family. Let us find out what causes this plumbing concern and what we can do to fix it.

What Causes A Sewer Backup?

Knowing the root cause of the problem can help you avoid the cost and inconvenience of sewage backup. Here are the usual causes.
Municipal Street Sewer Issues
What Causes Sewage Backup And How To Fix ItWe recently had a client who experienced sewage backing up from the municipal street sewer being overwhelmed during rainstorms. It caused massive sewage backups in their nicely finished basement. This often occurs when the municipal sewage system is overloaded with water and the sewage eventually backs up through the basement floor. Although a municipal sewer line can handle loads of water, excessive rain can still overload the system. So as soon as you see dripping water on your basement floor, contact a professional plumber to check and fix the issue before it gets worse! It’s also important to contact the local public work office in the municipality if the issue persists.
Outdated and Old Sewer System
An outdated and old sewer system is common in old houses (usually built before the 1950s). Their sewage system is usually made of cast-iron pipes, clay pipes, or Orangeburg (fiber conduit pipe). These type of pipes may be durable, but it also deteriorates over time. It’s a good idea to schedule a regular sewer line inspection to check if the old pipes are still intact and ensure that they are not leaking. Otherwise, replace your old sewer system with PVC or ABS plastic sewer pipe to avoid the stress of sewage backup.
Tree Roots Obstruction
Tree roots always find ways to look for good water sources. They can even sip through tiny cracks in pipes until they can invade and damage the sewage system. One way to get rid of these unwanted tree roots is by cutting them using a snake machine with several tips for cutting and retrieval. Depending on the condition of the pipes, they may also need to be replaced if there are damages caused by root invasion.

How To Prevent Sewage Backup From Happening?

Leone Plumbing Licensed Master Plumber Proper plumbing maintenance is still a good method of prevention. We suggest that you schedule a sewer line inspection with a trusted plumbing professional to check the condition of your sewer lines. We also advise that you do a regular pipe cleaning to prevent any clogs that can cause serious backups. Avoid fat, oils, and other solid materials from flowing down the drain as it can also cause blockages that trigger sewage backup.

You Can Trust Us For Your Sewer Maintenance Needs!

Trust Rochester New York’s best plumbers for your home’s sewer maintenance. Contact us to schedule an appointment and we are here to help you!
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