Saving Your Home from Corroded Pipes

Leone Plumbing corroded pipes repair serviceAre you aware that corroded pipes could be silently damaging your home? If left unchecked, corroded pipes can lead to costly repairs, cause water leaks, and even create potential health hazards. That’s why early detection and proper maintenance of your plumbing system are crucial. In this article, we will share expert tips on how you can save your home from the perils of corroded pipes.

The Importance Of Early Detection And Proper Maintenance For Home Pipes

Maintaining the integrity of your home’s plumbing system is essential to protect your investment and ensure the comfort and safety of your family. Corroded pipes can wreak havoc on your property, leading to a host of issues that can be both financially and emotionally draining. By taking proactive measures and staying vigilant, you can save your home from the damaging effects of corroded pipes. Corrosion occurs when metal pipes interact with various factors such as water, chemicals, and even the soil surrounding them. Over time, this interaction leads to a breakdown of the pipe’s structure, causing leaks, reduced water pressure, and potential health risks due to contaminated water. Early detection is key to minimizing the extent of damage and preventing further complications.

Proper maintenance is equally important in ensuring the longevity of your plumbing system. Regular inspections, routine maintenance, and prompt repairs are essential to prevent corrosion from taking hold and causing significant damage. By investing time and effort in early detection and proper maintenance, you can save yourself from the headaches and financial burden associated with corroded pipes.

Common Causes Of Pipe Corrosion

Understanding the root causes of pipe corrosion is essential in preventing and managing this destructive issue. Various factors contribute to the corrosion of pipes, including:

Age of Your Home
Older homes often have plumbing systems that are more susceptible to corrosion due to the materials used at the time of construction. Galvanized steel pipes, commonly found in older properties, tend to corrode more rapidly than newer materials such as copper or PEX.
Water Quality
The quality of the water flowing through your pipes can significantly impact their lifespan. High levels of acidity, alkalinity, or mineral content can accelerate the corrosion process. Additionally, water with high chloride or sulfate levels can be particularly corrosive to certain metals.
Chemicals and Environmental Factors

Exposure to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning agents or fertilizers, can corrode pipes over time. Environmental factors, such as high humidity or soil acidity, can also contribute to accelerated corrosion rates.

Signs of Corroded Pipes

Now that you’re aware of the causes, let’s explore the telltale signs that indicate your pipes may be corroded. Early detection of corroded pipes is crucial in preventing further damage and costly repairs. By being aware of the following signs, you can proactively address any issues before they escalate:

Discolored Water

If you notice a change in the color of your tap water, such as brown or yellowish tones, it could be an indication of corroded pipes. The presence of rust or other contaminants in the water is a clear sign that your pipes are deteriorating.

Low Water Pressure

Reduced water pressure can be a result of corroded pipes. As the pipes degrade, they become narrower, restricting the flow of water. If you’re experiencing consistently low water pressure throughout your home, it’s worth investigating the condition of your pipes.

Frequent Leaks

Corroded pipes are more prone to developing leaks. If you notice recurring leaks in your plumbing system, it’s a strong indication that the pipes are deteriorating and in need of attention. Ignoring these leaks can lead to extensive water damage and mold growth.

Preventive Maintenance Tips For Pipe Longevity

Proactive maintenance is key to preventing pipe corrosion and extending the lifespan of your plumbing system. Here are essential tips for maintaining healthy pipes:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Flush your pipes periodically by running hot water through them to remove any built-up sediment or debris. This simple maintenance practice helps prevent corrosion-causing particles from accumulating and damaging your pipes.
  2. Water Softening: If your water supply has a high mineral content, consider installing a water softener. Water softeners remove excess minerals that can contribute to pipe corrosion, thereby protecting your plumbing system.
  3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Be mindful of the cleaning agents and chemicals you use in your home. Harsh chemicals can corrode pipes over time. Opt for environmentally friendly alternatives and avoid pouring corrosive substances down drains or toilets.

Implementing these preventative measures can significantly reduce the risk of pipe corrosion. However, in cases where corrosion has already taken hold, repair or replacement may be necessary.

Replacing Corroded Pipes

In severe cases of corrosion, pipe replacement may be the most suitable solution. This involves removing the corroded pipes and installing new ones made from materials resistant to corrosion. When it comes to pipe replacement, selecting the right materials is crucial for long-term durability and corrosion resistance. Here are two widely used options:

  1. Copper Pipes: Copper pipes have long been a popular choice due to their excellent corrosion resistance and durability. They are suitable for both hot and cold water supply lines and have a proven track record of reliability.
  2. PEX Pipes:  Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes are gaining popularity for their flexibility, ease of installation, and resistance to corrosion. PEX pipes are highly durable and suitable for both residential and commercial applications.

Hiring A Professional Plumber For Pipe Maintenance And Repairs

While DIY methods and proactive maintenance play a crucial role in preventing pipe corrosion, there are situations where professional expertise is necessary. Hiring a professional plumber offers several benefits:

  1. Expert Knowledge: Professional plumbers possess specialized knowledge and experience in identifying, addressing, and preventing pipe corrosion. Their expertise ensures accurate assessments and effective solutions for your plumbing system.
  2. Time and Cost Savings: Engaging a professional plumber saves you time and money in the long run. Their efficient repairs and proactive maintenance help prevent extensive damage and costly repairs down the line.
  3. Peace of Mind: By entrusting your plumbing system to a professional, you can have peace of mind knowing that your pipes are in capable hands. Professional plumbers adhere to industry standards and deliver quality workmanship.
How Leone plumbing deal with corroded pipes issue As Rochester, New York’s best plumbers, it is our goal to help you protect your home and your business from the perils of corroded pipes. We provide the right solution for your plumbing pipe maintenance and repair concerns. Don’t wait for problems to arise – start protecting your home today! Contact us and schedule an appointment.  
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The Advantages and Process of Drain Camera Inspection Services

Leone Plumbing drain camera inspection services in Rochester New YorkWhen it comes to plumbing issues, finding the root cause can often be a challenge. That’s where drain camera inspection services come in. By peering into the depths of your pipes with the help of advanced camera technology, these services offer a clear view of what’s happening underground. Using state-of-the-art equipment, drain camera inspections provide homeowners and businesses with a thorough assessment of their plumbing systems. This advanced approach allows for quicker identification of clogs, leaks, and other potential problems, saving time and money in the long run. By combining cutting-edge technology with expert analysis, these services empower individuals to make informed decisions about their plumbing systems, leading to more efficient and cost-effective solutions.

The Advantages Of Drain Camera Inspection Services

Drain camera inspection services offer several advantages over traditional plumbing diagnostic methods.

Provide Accurate And Precise Results

Firstly, they provide accurate and precise results. The high-resolution cameras used in drain camera inspections capture clear images and videos of the inside of pipes, allowing professionals to identify the exact location and nature of the problem. This eliminates the guesswork involved in traditional diagnostic approaches and ensures that the correct solution is implemented from the start.

Eliminate Invasive Procedures

Secondly, drain camera inspections eliminate the need for invasive procedures like digging or tearing down walls. In the past, diagnosing plumbing issues often required destructive methods, resulting in additional costs and inconvenience for homeowners. With drain camera inspection services, professionals can visually inspect the pipes without causing any damage to the property. This non-invasive approach not only saves time and money but also minimizes disruption to the daily lives of individuals.

Provide Thorough And Accurate Diagnostics

The detailed images and videos captured during drain camera inspections provide transparency and thorough documentation. Homeowners and businesses can view the real-time footage or saved recordings, allowing them to see the condition of their pipes firsthand. This transparency builds trust between the service provider and the customer and ensures that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the problem and its solution. Additionally, the documented evidence can be useful for insurance claims or future reference.

Common Issues Detected By Drain Camera Inspections

Drain camera inspections are capable of identifying a wide range of plumbing issues that may not be easily detectable through other means. Some of the most common issues detected by these inspections include:

1. Clogs:

Drain camera inspections can pinpoint the exact location and cause of clogs within the pipes. Whether it’s a buildup of grease, hair, or foreign objects, the camera provides a clear view of the obstruction, enabling professionals to determine the most appropriate method of removal.

2. Leaks:

Pipe leaks can be difficult to detect, especially if they are hidden behind walls or underground. Drain camera inspections allow for visual confirmation of leaks, helping professionals identify the extent of the damage and plan the necessary repairs.

3. Cracks and Damage:

Over time, pipes can develop cracks, fractures, or other forms of damage that may go unnoticed without a drain camera inspection. By examining the interior of the pipes, professionals can identify any structural issues and take appropriate action to prevent further damage or leaks.

4. Root Intrusions:

Tree roots tend to grow towards sources of water, including underground pipes. These root intrusions can cause blockages and damage to the pipes, leading to reduced water flow and potential leaks. Drain camera inspections can detect and locate these root intrusions, allowing for targeted root removal and pipe repair.

5. Misaligned or Collapsed Pipes:

Drain camera inspections can reveal any misaligned or collapsed sections of pipes. This information is crucial for determining the best course of action, whether it’s repairing the affected section or replacing the entire pipe.

The Importance Of Regular Drain Camera Inspection Services

Drain camera inspections involve a systematic process that utilizes specialized equipment and skilled professionals. Scheduling a regular drain camera inspection service is one way that you can prevent the worst plumbing issues or repair those ongoing and recurring problems on your drain. If you are looking for a tested and proven drain camera inspection service in Rochester, New York our team of expert plumbers is ready to help you! Contact us today to book an appointment.
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Sewage Backup: What Causes It To Happen And How To Fix It?

Sewage Backup Service Solution By Leone Plumbing and Heating

One of the major plumbing issues that cause extensive damage to your home is sewage backup. This happens when wastewater backs up through your drains, sinks, and toilets. Plumbing issues like sewage backup not only wreak havoc on your home but it can also pose a health risk to your family. Let us find out what causes this plumbing concern and what we can do to fix it.

What Causes A Sewer Backup?

Knowing the root cause of the problem can help you avoid the cost and inconvenience of sewage backup. Here are the usual causes.
Municipal Street Sewer Issues
What Causes Sewage Backup And How To Fix ItWe recently had a client who experienced sewage backing up from the municipal street sewer being overwhelmed during rainstorms. It caused massive sewage backups in their nicely finished basement. This often occurs when the municipal sewage system is overloaded with water and the sewage eventually backs up through the basement floor. Although a municipal sewer line can handle loads of water, excessive rain can still overload the system. So as soon as you see dripping water on your basement floor, contact a professional plumber to check and fix the issue before it gets worse! It’s also important to contact the local public work office in the municipality if the issue persists.
Outdated and Old Sewer System
An outdated and old sewer system is common in old houses (usually built before the 1950s). Their sewage system is usually made of cast-iron pipes, clay pipes, or Orangeburg (fiber conduit pipe). These type of pipes may be durable, but it also deteriorates over time. It’s a good idea to schedule a regular sewer line inspection to check if the old pipes are still intact and ensure that they are not leaking. Otherwise, replace your old sewer system with PVC or ABS plastic sewer pipe to avoid the stress of sewage backup.
Tree Roots Obstruction
Tree roots always find ways to look for good water sources. They can even sip through tiny cracks in pipes until they can invade and damage the sewage system. One way to get rid of these unwanted tree roots is by cutting them using a snake machine with several tips for cutting and retrieval. Depending on the condition of the pipes, they may also need to be replaced if there are damages caused by root invasion.

How To Prevent Sewage Backup From Happening?

Leone Plumbing Licensed Master Plumber Proper plumbing maintenance is still a good method of prevention. We suggest that you schedule a sewer line inspection with a trusted plumbing professional to check the condition of your sewer lines. We also advise that you do a regular pipe cleaning to prevent any clogs that can cause serious backups. Avoid fat, oils, and other solid materials from flowing down the drain as it can also cause blockages that trigger sewage backup.

You Can Trust Us For Your Sewer Maintenance Needs!

Trust Rochester New York’s best plumbers for your home’s sewer maintenance. Contact us to schedule an appointment and we are here to help you!
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Avoiding The Common Mistakes Of Installing New Drain In Sink

Leone plumbing installing drain in sink service. Have you been exploring DIY? There are many DIY resources available online. You can fix things at your own time and convenience… and at your own risk! Though doing DIY is a fun thing to do, there is always a risk involved especially with plumbing jobs. There are things that an amateur cannot do that a professional plumber can do! But if you are settled with DIY solutions, then you need to know the common mistakes to avoid when installing a drain in the sink.

What Are The Common Mistakes Of Installing A Drain In The Sink?

Doing things DIY is an accomplishment when done right. However if not done correctly, it can lead to serious plumbing repairs which cost too much time and money. To avoid common mistakes in installing a drain in the sink, we listed some of the things that you need to avoid when working with DIY drain installation.
Avoid Low-Quality Materials
Quality indeed comes with a cost. However, it is more costly to pay for yearly (sometimes monthly) repairs using low-quality materials. Even if you do DIY sink installation right, it can be a failure when joints become loose causing drains to leak. If you are concerned with your budget, there is always a place to look for low-cost and quality materials. You can visit any Habitat for Humanity store near you. Here, you can find gently used home improvement materials that fit your budget. Installing a new drain in the sink can be budget-friendly without compromising quality.
Over Usage of Plumber’s Putty
A plumber’s putty is a flexible sealant that is used when installing a drain in the sink. It can provide a leak-proof seal for a long time when applied correctly. Too much plumber’s putty can make your drain installation project look sloppy. It can also damage other parts of your sink’s plumbing if overly done due to improper fixtures.
Applying Less Than The Required Amount Of Plumber’s Putty
If overusage of plumbers’ putty is bad, it’s the same if you apply less than the required amount. Applying a very small amount of plumber’s putty can leave air pockets or spaces that allow water to leak through. This can also impact the durability of the sink since parts are not firmly fixed. Make it a habit to read the manufacturer’s instructions to know the exact amount of putty to apply.
Avoid Using Corrosive Cleaning Agents In the Sink Drain
Most people rely on acid cleaning agents for a quick cleaning result. However, using acid to clean the drain can be damaging due to its corrosive properties. You can instead switch to eco-friendly products that are safe for the environment and also for your drains (old or new).

What To Do With Persistent Drain Issues?

Installing a new drain in the sink is a quick way to resolve drain issues. But what if plumbing issues are still occurring? If your DIY install attempt fails, then it’s time to get help from a professional plumber. Contact Rochester New York’s best plumbers right now to schedule an appointment. Leone plumbing sink drain installation
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What You Need To Know About Sewer Line Repair

Leone Plumbing Sewer Line Repair ServiceYour sewer line plays an important role in moving grease, soap, and detergent through your plumbing system. If your sewer line is leaking or broken, you need to fix it as quickly as possible. However, the sewer lines are concealed in walls and floors and issues can be left unseen until something worse happens. In this case, how would you know if you need to call for a sewer line repair service?

How Would You Know That You Need A Sewer Line Repair?

There are obvious signs that you can look at in order to determine if you need to call for a sewer line repair service. Do not ignore the warning signs! Contact a professional plumber immediately whenever you experienced the following signs.
Spread Of Mold
There may be water damage lurking underneath the wall and below your floor. Water damage causes moisture on surfaces which is the best habitat for mold to grow. This is a clear sign of water damage happening in your home which may need sewer line repair.
Flooded Yard With Foul Odor
It is not normal for a yard to get flooded with a bad smell of sewage. If there is a sudden flood in your yard with a nasty smell, this is also a sign that there is something bad going on with your sewer lines that need to be treated.
Water Not Draining Properly
Your toilet can tell you the signs! If you can hear a gurgling noise as you flush, it may indicate that something is blocking the pipes that requires repair service.

Different Types Of Sewer Line Repair

Depending on the issue that your plumbing system is dealing with, there are various ways to repair your sewer line.
Removal of tree roots from pipes by Leone Plumbing. Snaking works by using a cable with specialized blades at the end. It clears your sewer lines by cutting through roots and clogs that prevent your drainage system from running smoothly.
This method works in two ways. First, the high-powered water jet cuts through roots and clogs, clearing and cleaning the drain. Second, the camera attached to the equipment not only helps our expert plumber to see what is being cleared but also identifies other issues. ridgid camera system sonar
Pipe Replacement
There are cases when a sewer line replacement is the best option to fix the damages. Our expert plumber may find a collapsed pipe (during camera inspection) and replacing it is the only solution. Pipes may collapse due to tree root invasion and pipe corrosion.

Who Do I Reach Out To For Sewer Line Repair Service?

Our licensed plumbers are well-equipped and ready to handle your sewer line issues. Call us anytime and we are here to help.
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Situations When Pipe Bursting Should Be Considered

Pipe Bursting Technology By Leone PlumbingSewer line repairs can happen anytime for a home or business establishment. There are methods or solutions in dealing with sewer repairs that can either be effective or cause inconvenience. In special cases, pipe bursting is one method that is proven to fix your pipes effectively with less damage to your property. But what is pipe bursting and when should it be considered?

Trenchless Technology For Sewer Line Repair

Pipe bursting is a trenchless technology that does not require digging your property to fix or repair your sewer line. That means you can carry on with your day-to-day activities at home, and business can go on as it is. This technology is very convenient and hassle-free. A sewer line repair can take many days to complete and it may interrupt your daily activities. But with trenchless technology, repairs can be done within the day and even a few hours!

How Is Pipe Bursting Done?

Pipe bursting involves the process of expanding and breaking the damaged or old pipes while simultaneously replacing them with new lines. A “bursting head” is fitted through the existing line and once it is pulled, it fractures the existing line. The new pipe is connected to the “bursting head” which drags and places the new line behind it.

Situations When Pipe Bursting Is Applicable

There are particular situations to consider when you apply this trenchless technology.

Property’s Aesthetics

If you are someone who cares about the landscaping of your property, then it is a good option. Since this is a trenchless technology, there is no need to dig large holes in your yard that may affect your property’s aesthetics. This method keeps your property intact and doesn’t require large-scale repair of your property’s landscaping.

Environmental Concerns

Going for trenchless technology is more eco-friendly than other sewer line repair methods. With this kind of technology, there is no need to use chemicals that are harmful to the surrounding environment. Also, the HDPE (High-density polyethylene) pipe commonly used for this technology is made of environmentally safe material. If you opt for sustainability, this is the right choice!

Cleaner Repair Option

This trenchless method of sewer line repair is the cleanest solution we can recommend. The method is the least disruptive since there is less digging on your property that could destroy your landscaping.

If Efficiency is A Must!

Traditional methods of repairing or replacing pipes may take days to finish. But pipe bursting can be completed within the day.

Is Pipe Bursting For Me?

This trenchless solution is applicable for special cases. We can help you assess the condition of your pipelines to figure out the right solution. Contact us now to schedule an assessment!  
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